Siri is iOS native personal assistant developed by Siri Inc (acquired by Apple in 2010). Siri appeared first in iOS 5 and was introduced as a feature of the iPhone 4S on October 14, 2011.
Nowadays Siri is available on the next devices:

  • iPhones
  • iPads
  • Apple Watches
  • Apple TVs
  • some cars via CarPlay

Key features of Siri are high quality voice recognition (she understands 8 main languages) and adaptability to the user’s individual language usage and searches over the use of the system, so the answers are individualised.

Siri understands the context (so you can ask for example about pizza shops around) and history of the conversation, so you can ask follow-up questions without repeating the whole story.


  • Address 1 Infinite Loop
    Cupertino, CA 95014
  • alex

    Rating: 5 / 5

    Really good speech recognition, quite smart

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